Emory Everywhere

Sarah Cook
Kay Hinton
As we welcome the new year, we also reflect on our good fortune at Emory. We are honored to nurture lifelong learning on a campus that encourages critical thinking and free expression, and we are privileged to benefit from the diversity of talent in our global university community.
Emory celebrates the unique makeup of our student body and alumni population. This cultural and intellectual strength is widely known, and cross-cultural scholars join forces at Emory to work on solving some of the world’s greatest issues. Recently, we’ve witnessed this kind of outstanding collaboration in the exceptional care provided by Emory’s teams to individuals affected by Ebola virus disease.
Throughout our university’s history, Emory has embraced the notion of asking difficult questions, sharing and discussing responses, and collectively creating solutions to make our world a better, healthier place.
This spring marks a special occasion: the one-hundredth anniversary of Emory University in Atlanta. With special campus activities and publications, we will pay tribute to the thinkers and doers who have come before us, recognize those in our midst, and anticipate those yet to come.
Please take a moment to reflect on your own Emory experience and ask yourself how you can continue to help shape Emory’s future.
Sarah Cook 95C, Senior Associate Vice President for Alumni Affairs