Headlines: Emory in the News
Ebola virus and Emory's lead role in treating patients with the disease have dominated the headlines since August. Here's a sampling of other Emory news that captured the attention of major media this past fall.
Political Perspective

This year’s Georgia senate and governor’s races brought national and international attention to the state, as well as a focus on the public scholarship of political science professors Alan Abramowitz, Merle Black, and Andra Gillespie, and Emory Law professors Michael Kang and Joanna Shepherd. They all shared their expertise with numerous major media outlets, including CBS News, National Public Radio, the New York Times, and the Washington Post.
A Good Archive Is Hard to Find
The acquisition of the archive of iconic American writer Flannery O’Connor at Emory’s Manuscript, Archives, and Rare Book Library was hailed as a watershed event in the literary world. Emory shared the story and a preview of the long-hidden archive with the New York Times, which ran a major feature on the day of Emory’s public announcement. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution also featured the story prominently, and Associated Press gave the news wide distribution.
Three in Ten
“Out of 28.4 million people with diabetes, more than a quarter don’t know [it],” Mohammed Ali, an assistant professor of public health at the School of Medicine, told Timemagazine in November. Ali and other researchers are looking at innovative care models to increase awareness for the diagnosis and treatment of diabetes.
Project of a Lifetime
Legendary English Professor Emeritus Ronald Schuchard and his labor of love to gain access to and catalog the immense—and virtually unseen—prose archives of modernist poet T. S. Eliot was the subject of a major feature in the Chronicle of Higher Education. Schuchard spent decades in conversation with Eliot’s widow, Valerie Eliot, until she finally gave him full access to the poet’s papers, which he is now annotating and cataloging with a team of Emory students.
Best in Show
Emory’s Gregory Berns, Distinguished Professor of Neuroeconomics, and his groundbreaking “dog project” were featured on 60 Minutes, along with Emory alumnus Brian Hare 98C, an associate professor at Duke University, where he founded the Duke Canine Cognition Center. Correspondent Anderson Cooper profiled Berns’s research to discover “what dogs are really thinking” through the first-ever study of dogs’ brain activity with fMRIs while they are awake and unrestrained.
Healthy Hearts

Emotional stress is more likely to physically impact younger women with heart disease compared to men with heart disease, according to new research by Viola Vaccarino, chair of cardiovascular research and epidemiology at the Rollins School of Public Health. Several media outlets covered the study, including US News & World Report, Yahoo! News, and Fox News.