
The article "this action is inevitable" (summer 2017) about women at Emory reminded me of the story of Marjorie Gates, my mother. She had completed two years at Agnes Scott and applied to transfer to Emory in 1939. When she was interviewed by the university president, he asked her if she wanted to come to Emory to get her “MRS” degree (that is, find a husband). She said Emory had a better chemistry department than Agnes Scott, it had a payment plan, and she could ride to school with her brother, an Emory student. From Emory, she received a bachelor’s degree in 1940, a master’s degree in 1943, and (finally) an “MRS” in 1943, by marrying Dr. R. A. Day Jr., an Emory professor. Together, they raised four children, all of whom received degrees from Emory. Footnote: She did her graduate research under the direction of Dr. Evangeline Papageorge, mentioned in the article.

Michael A. Day 69C, Pine Lake
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