Science Pipeline
The future of academic science depends on young researchers, but only about 11 percent of PhD graduates land in tenure-track faculty positions.
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Now, a Feature Presentation
As Georgia's movie industry boom continues, Emory is claiming a piece of the action.
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Points of Interest

- Double Illumination
- Bill Clinton: Less 'Them,' More 'Us'
- Can Disease Be Governed?
- Family First
- Two Key Leaders Named
- In Class: Graphic Material
- Baby Face
- Hard Pressed
- Emory Schools Lead, Nationally and in Georgia
- Catherine Bagwell on Making Friends
- Fecal Matters
- The Origami of Life
- High Honors
- When Emory Doctors Went to War
- Missing: Gene 3q29
- Hail, Good Fellows
- Emory's Andra Gillespie weighs in during a series of "first 100 days" events
Emory Everywhere