Clear Winner
Emory's WaterHub makes a splash with a national award

A year after it opened for business, Emory's WaterHub is getting national attention.
In April, the US Water Alliance announced Emory as one of three winners of the prestigious 2016 US Water Prize, which recognizes organizations and companies that execute innovative solutions toward the advancement of “one water” sustainability, meaning strategies integrated across the water cycle and within urban management overall.
The WaterHub project, an onsite water reclamation system, utilizes eco-engineering processes to clean waste water for future nonpotable uses and is capable of displacing up to 146 million gallons of potable water with recycled wastewater annually, nearly 40 percent of total campus water demand. The WaterHub generates an alternative water supply for critical heating and cooling operations while offering numerous economic, environmental, and social benefits to Emory and the broader community.
“Through this project, we’ve shown how universities can play an important role in advancing sustainability nationwide,” says Matthew Early, vice president for campus services. “Not only has the WaterHub had tremendous impact on how we think about water and how it is utilized on campus, it has also become a national model for those seeking innovative technology to address the global need for water conservation and sustainable solutions.”
The WaterHub was completed through a design-build approach between Sustainable Water, project consultant; McKim & Creed, engineer; and Reeves Young, contractor. Sustainable Water and McKim & Creed nominated Emory for the US Water Prize.
The US Water Prize is the latest in a long list of national, regional, and local awards and accolades for the WaterHub.
Magazines such as District Energy, Industrial WaterWorld, CE News, and Sustainable Business Magazine have published articles highlighting the WaterHub for its design as a replicable, sustainable wastewater management solution.