You've Got ... Mail?

It's hard to imagine now, but back when this photo was taken in the 1960s, Emory's student post office was a central hub of activity.
Before smartphones, laptops, and tablets were must-have accessories, students communicated with their families primarily by using scattered campus pay phones and—that’s right—good old-fashioned “snail mail.”
Emory’s mail services center once processed hundreds of envelopes every day, each carrying news from home, love and connection, and in some welcome cases, money.
Today, an Emory student could easily go four years without receiving a hand-written letter from a parent or friend—which would be placed in their “folder” at the campus Mail Services Center, and the student would be notified of the alien arrival by email.
Then again, they can receive a text from Mom anytime, day or night. P.S. And call home when you can.