Emory Voices: Why I Give

Paul McLarty
Illustration by Jason Raish
“Students have the opportunity to meet in person these impressive scholars whose work they have studied. That was important to me as a graduate student. That’s why I give.”—Vicki Hertzberg, associate professor, biostatistics and bioinformatics
“I give to Oxford College because it gave so much to me. My two years at Oxford were the best of my eleven years of higher education; Oxford put up with me for my forty years of eccentric teaching; and I believe that now Oxford is doing even more exciting things, but in the same warm and dedicated spirit we’ve always known.”—Hoyt Oliver 54Ox 56C, professor emeritus of religion, Oxford College
“I value the education that I received in Emory College and law school. As an adviser for student organizations, I am very much aware of the cost of an Emory education and the financial stress it puts on many students. This is why my wife and I focus our giving on financial aid. It has been rewarding getting to know the students who are beneficiaries of this giving.”—Paul McLarty 63C 66L, volunteer and Board of Visitors member
“For us, not giving is simply not an option.”—Prue and Robert Swerlick; Robert Swerlick is the Alicia Leizman Stonecipher Chair of Dermatology

Ginger Hicks Smith
Illustration by Jason Raish
“What makes the Goizueta Business School—and Emory in its entirety—great is the legacy that every individual contributes. High-performing individuals increase the value of a degree for everyone else. The more that alumni put into achieving and giving back, the more they get out of it, and everyone else does, too.”—Elizabeth Halkos 01MBA, president, Goizueta Business School Alumni Board
“I give to the Emory Libraries to help them acquire and preserve materials that inspire new research. These resources have such enduring value.”—Ginger Hicks Smith 77C 82G, director of external affairs, Emory Libraries and MyEmory cochair
“Emory helped save my very premature babies’ lives. In addition to providing care at the NICU, Emory was a part of the early research on the use of surfactant with premature babies, which enabled my micro-preemies to survive. How could I not give back?”—Melinda Kane, project manager, Emory Bariatrics Center
“My experience at Emory and with the Barkley Forum gave me so many things, including confidence, a competitive spirit, and skills in public speaking, research, negotiation, and compromise. I give to make sure the Barkley Forum continues to enrich the lives of students for generations to come.”—Lilly Correa 73C, Campus Life representative, Emory Alumni Board

Maria Dixon
Illustration by Jason Raish
“For four of the greatest years of my life, the Candler School of Theology family invested their time, their knowledge, and in many cases, their love in a second-career thirty-year-old struggling to make sense of a call to the pulpit and the classroom.”—Maria Dixon 98T 99T, associate professor, Southern Methodist University, Dallas
“Emory allowed me to grow, learn, explore and build lifelong relationships. I give in hopes of supporting others to reach their dreams and also to enjoy the best college experience a university has to offer.”—Shaheen Bandeali 07OX 09C, Oxford Alumni Board