author Alice Randall stands at a microphone on what was
once Mitchells front porch, reading passages from
her book, The Wind Done Gone, in a strident voice
that carries out into the street. The crowd seated on
the lawn is made up of listeners both black and white,
more old than young, many holding a copy of Randalls
book on their laps. A handful of journalists scribble
rapidly and a couple of TV cameras navigate the perimeter
of the yard, occasionally swinging to note the protesters
outside. Later, the event will appear on local news programs,
with reports focused on the racial tension that marked
a spirited dialogue between Randall and some members of
the audience.
scene being enacted on this July evening is a shining
example of constitutional freedoms being exercised, but
it is carried along by dark undercurrents of the Souths
turbulent past. The present conflict began over an exchange
of words: those of Mitchells famous 1936 novel set
in the plantation South, Gone With the Wind, and
Randalls recently published reply, The Wind Done
Gone, told from the point of view of a former slave.
the center of this highly publicized drama are several
Emory alumni, each of whom brings both professional expertise
and personal interest to bear on the outcome. Paul H.
Anderson Sr. 38C-40L, one of a two-member
committee charged with protecting the copyright to Gone
With the Wind, was instrumental last spring in bringing
a lawsuit against The Wind Done Gone publisher,
Houghton Mifflin Company, for copyright violation, claiming
Randalls book is essentially an unauthorized sequel
to Mitchells.
Joseph M. Beck 65C, one of the lead attorneys for
Randall and the publishing house, has argued that Randalls
novel was intended as a literary parody, a work that consciously
borrows elements of another to achieve effective social
commentary. Legally, parodies are considered fair
use and are absolved of copyright restrictions;
sequels are not. Beck, a partner with Atlanta law firm
Kilpatrick Stockton who has also taught intellectual property
and First Amendment courses at Emorys law school,
worked on the case with Miles J. Alexander 52C,
co-chair of the firm.
handful of others with Emory ties have played critical
supporting roles. A faculty member and a University alumna
provided expert testimony on Randalls behalf. A
law school graduate headed a panel of judges who heard
Randalls appeal when publication of her book was
temporarily blocked. And the University libraries recently
hosted a panel discussion on the troublesome tension between
copyright law and creative liberty.
landmark Wind vs. Wind lawsuit has raised compelling questions
about the right to ownership of words and ideas, the design
and critical validity of parody, and the authenticity
of those images of the antebellum South that continue
to grip the public imagination. The lawsuit has generated
national interest, with hundreds of news stories, editorials,
and scholarly debates all hinging on one question: Is
The Wind Done Gone a hollow attempt to cash in
the popularity of a beloved classic or a smart, scorching
satire that exposes the racial stereotyping inherent in
Gone With the Wind?
a legal standpoint, this story is rich in dramatic climaxes
but lacks a grand finale. In April, a U.S. District Court
judge agreed with the Mitchell Trusts and issued a temporary
order blocking publication of The Wind Done Gone.
Just a few weeks later, an appellate court lifted the
injunction and allowed publication to move forward, making
the book widely available to the public. Then in October,
the three-judge panel of the appellate court followed
up with a long-awaited opinion that generally favored
Houghton Mifflins fair use defense of the intended
parody. This move sent the Mitchell Trusts back to the
U.S. District Court level with the option of seeking monetary
damages but with no guarantee that theyll succeed.
attorneys for the Mitchell Trusts have indicated that
they plan to try, even suggesting they may ask the U.S.
Supreme Court to hear their case. The Wind Done Gones
publication is a fait accompli, but as to whether Randalls
book is an instructive parody or an exploitative piracy
of Gone With the Wind, the answer is far from black
and white.
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