Reality Check
Cheap and convenient, reality shows now dominate the small screen. From America’s Funniest Home Videos to the Real Housewives of Atlanta, why are we so consumed with watching ordinary (and not so ordinary) people on television? Story

Upping their ‘Curb Appeal’
Emory staff member has her own brush with reality TV

Testing Faith
A nascent Buddhist finds her path to happiness through unexpected travels, the wisdom of monks, the meeting of science and spirituality, the companionship of a daughter, and a close encounter with Richard Gere. Story
Some Notes on Newt (Yours, and Ours)
During the course of nearly a decade at Emory Magazine, associate editor Mary Loftus and I have seen a wide-ranging assortment of items arrive in the mail. But never, until recently, had I opened an envelope to find the cover of the latest issue of Emory Magazine torn into small pieces and sent back to us. More

From our readers
“Mr. Gingrich’s picture on the cover reminded me of the wonderful and thought-provoking discussions with those I agreed with and disagreed with during my Emory years.”—Doug Shipman 95C
Winter 2010

Snow Day
The historic Haygood-Hopkins gate, along with the rest of the campus, enjoyed a picturesque dusting of snow in early January. Photo by Ann Borden. See more at Emory Photo/Video.