Summer 2008

Centennial Class
Commencement 2008
‘Many Roads Lead to Your Dreams’
2008 Facutly Awards and Honors
McMullan Award Winner: Rachel Zelkowitz
One Graduate’s View of Leaving Emory
More Commencement
The Emory Class of 1908 poses in front of Seney Hall at Emory’s original Oxford campus. Emory President James Edward Dickey 1891C earned a little more than $2,000 a year, full professors took home about $1,500, and total enrollment hovered around three hundred men, twenty-nine of whom earned their bachelor’s degrees that year (including future Emory President Goodrich C. White). In the bigger picture, the first Times Square ball was dropped on New Year’s Eve, Mother’s Day was observed for the first time, and Henry Ford produced the first Model T.