Law graduates entrusted with new responsibility
Judge Phyllis A. Kravitch, a member of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit and an honorary degree recipient, addressed the School of Law's graduating class. At the diploma ceremony where she spoke, 237 graduates received doctor of laws degrees, and six received master of laws degrees.
"Throughout the dynamic history of our society, and across the evolution of the legal profession, one document has been altered but little, and it is the keystone of our form of government and of the individual liberties that we all enjoy and too often take for granted," she said. "This document, the envy of countries around the world, is the United States Constitution. Drafted more than two hundred years ago, the Constitution is remarkably brief. Together with its twenty-seven amendments, it comprises less than eight thousand words. Yet these words have been resilient and flexible enough to have accommodated themselves to unforeseeable political, societal, and technological changes.
"Now as you enter the legal profession on the edge of a new century that will bring unimaginable change, you must be ready to assume the obligation to protect this document. As future leaders, you will enjoy magnificent opportunities, but you must never disregard the enormous responsibility with which you are now being entrusted."--A.O.A.
Photo by Corky Gallo
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