Cycle of Giving
How a scholarship granted during the Depression created a ripple of student support that reaches farther with each generation.
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Commencement 2013
At least one of Emory's 4,228 graduates took advantage of the Commencement spotlight to send a personal message to Mom and Dad.
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Risk and Reward
So it's the Fourth of July, again, and that means a lot of things—including, apparently, finishing up the summer issue of Emory Magazine—although what it doesn't mean this year is fireworks, because at least here in Atlanta, it's pouring rain.
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Of Note

- History Unearthed
- Ticker
- Odd Man In
- Trethewey to Serve a Second Term
- Visit to a Classroom
- Slam Dunk
- The Buzz on Animal Self-Medication
- More Than a Clot Buster
- Proton Power
- A Childhood Disease Grows Up
- Sustainable Efforts: Recycling Bishops Hall
- 'A Hotbed of Great Science'
- Breaking It Down
- A Lifetime in the Lab
- True Blood
- The Interpreter
- Ancient History, Burnished New Again
- Eagles Fly through a Winning Season
- Rattle and Hum
- 'Indigenous Teachers'
- Lifting Every Voice

- From the President
- Golden Heart Award
- EAA: Survey Says
- Alumni Ink
- Coda
- Tribute: Mollie Michala Lyman
- Joining Head and Heart
- Emory Everywhere
- It's All Relative
Of Note

- Campus Master Plan Guides Oxford's Growth
- Dean's Message
- Challenging Oxford to Greater Academic Excellence
- OCAB Supports Oxford in Myriad Ways
- Class of 2017 Arrives in August
- Kimbrell Joins Oxford DAR
- Night in the museum