Young Guns
A growing cadre of student filmmakers is creating Emory’s own new wave. Story

Pie in your Sy
TV writer Sy Rosen 69C has plied his craft for some of the most beloved shows in the business—and can spin stories that are the stuff of sitcoms. Story

The Profession of Rejection
After acting in a Brad Pitt movie, Chris DesRoches 02OX 04C awaits his next big break. Story

West Coasting
Two California alumni connect when one of the freshest writers on the magazine market—Mike Sager 78C—interviews one of L.A.’s hottest young talents, producer Jordan Wynn 00C. Story
Commencement 2010

The Commencenator
California Governor Schwarzenegger ‘pumps up’ grads. Story and Slideshow

From our readers
“You mention Muhtar Kent of Coca Cola and Fecundo Bacardi 96L of Bacardi as additions to the Board of Trustees. Does this mean rum and Coke will be the drink of choice at all board meetings?”