Autumn 2010

The Summit: Bryan Garrett 85OX 88C, left, and David Hart 87C on August 27 at the summit of Mount Whitney in California’s Sierra mountains, the highest peak in the continental U.S. at nearly 15,0000 feet.
Courtesy David Hart

A Modest Proposal: Thanks to Rob Kimmer 02C of Washington, D.C., for letting us know about a surprise event at Dooley’s Den at the Depot. On July 3, Kimmer, the trademark and copyright attorney chair at Litman Law Offices, chose it as the setting to propose to Arielle Green 03C, marketing manager for the SMO/DMO energy company. With the help of kindly Campus Facilities and Food Services staff, as well as his college roommate, Adam Jacobs 02B, Kimmer had the opportunity to pop the question in one of the couple’s favorite spots on campus. Kimmer and Green were friends in college and stayed in touch over the years. “We have built many memories together at Emory,” he says, “and I’m sure there are more to come.”
Another outstanding job with the recent issue of Emory Magazine (summer 2010). The cover is very clever. This magazine can compete successfully with any magazine on the commercial market. I enjoy reading it and admire the entire layout. Congratulations to you and your staff for another excellent edition!
Linda Torrence
Stone Mountain, Georgia
I had to chukle as I red the mesage on the morter baord of “GET TO THE CHOPER” so artfuly displayed with duck tape in honer of the comencmint speaker, Arnold Swaznagger. Let’s hope the poor feller ain’t no jernalism or english majer. I bet even Schwartzeneggger wud no that “chopper” has TWO “P”s.
Alan M. Sanders 85OX
Blairsville, Georgia
I wanted to let you know how much my husband looks forward to getting Emory Magazine and reading the alumni profiles and updates. He particularly enjoyed a profile of an Emory alumnus who was deployed as part of a Coast Guard mission to Haiti that appeared in the magazine a few months back [“Coast Guard to the Test,” spring 2010]. My husband is a U.S. Air Force JAG currently deployed to Bagram, Afghanistan, as part of the Joint Task Force handling detainee review boards at the prison in Bagram. I know it meant a lot to him to hear other alums are abroad, in uniform, and making a difference! Thanks again for your work on this publication. I send every issue to him.
Meghan Brinson, wife of Tony Ghiotto 05L
Charleston, South Carolina
I liked the section in the Summer 2010 issue by Dr. Sidney Perkowitz [“Reel Science”]. My comment is in reference to his statement, “If you convey faulty information to that many people, you are doing science and society a big disservice. A little bit of fooling around is fine, as long as I can still enjoy my popcorn without getting too irked.” Now, for the most part, I agree. However, I think one ought to note that film is about artifice and invention, photography and storytelling; it is not meant to educate. If the public comes to believe in such science fiction tales, well, frankly, that is the public’s problem—the filmmaker has no more responsibility than any other artist. Thus I compliment the second part of his statement, in which he does indeed allow for a “bit of fooling around.” But let’s say I’m wrong; or, at least let’s say the editor(s) and/or Dr. Perkowitz do believe that, when dealing with weighty matters, the artist ought to try his best not to mislead people on such issues. Do you not think, then, that there ought to have been a parallel piece concerning the lies and abuses about history and religion in the cinema? You could have, for instance, had a section that exposed such works as Stigmata and The Da Vinci Code. These films “irk” those who have had a formal (or even informal) education in history and theology as much or more than Dr. Perkowitz in science fiction.
J. Trevor Berger 07C
McDonough, Georgia
Perhaps Dr. [Sidney] Perkowitz should steer clear of television, film, poetry, literature, theatre, and visual art. At first I thought his premise that only one scientific law should be allowed to be broken per film was a funny idea—until I continued reading and gleaned that he was serious! After all, without imagination, many scientific discoveries never would have happened. I suggest Dr. Perkowitz take a stroll over to the humanities side of Emory’s campus and talk to some of his colleagues about the power of metaphor. Maybe then he won’t be so inclined to “get irked” every time he takes a trip to the movies.
Alexandra Dickson 03C
New York, New York
I really enjoyed the Hollywood issue of Emory Magazine. As a lifelong movie fan, however, I feel compelled to point out that there were two movies about volcanoes in 1997. One was called Volcano and starred Tommy Lee Jones and Anne Heche; the other was called Dante’s Peak and starred Pierce Brosnan and Linda Hamilton.
Madeline Griffin 76L
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Has something in Emory Magazine raised your consciousness—or your hackles? Write to the editors at Emory Magazine, 1762 Clifton Road, Plaza 1000, Atlanta, Georgia, 30322, or via email at We reserve the right to edit letters for length and clarity. The views expressed by the writers do not necessarily reflect the views of the editors or the administrators of Emory University.