Summer 2009: Campaign Update
Bryan Meltz
Grassroots Giving
By Susan Cruse, Senior Vice President, Development and Alumni Relations
This spring I attended an event honoring the nearly eleven thousand alumni and friends who have given to Emory each year for at least the past twenty-five years. Together they have raised more than $42 million. Their status as consecutive donors earns them entry into the Judson C. Ward Consecutive Giving Society, named for Emory’s beloved “Jake” Ward 33C 36G, who has an eighty-year relationship with the University that includes at least forty-one years of consecutive gifts. I say “at least” because Emory has only been keeping records for forty-one years, and Dr. Ward’s generosity is as great as his spirit.
The commitment of donors like Jake Ward is unwavering. Despite a difficult economy, Emory alumni and friends are as dedicated to supporting the University as ever and are finding countless creative ways to do so. As you’ll read in the story at right, anyone can be a philanthropist. I urge you to follow your heart with a gift to Emory. There has never been a better time.