Summer 2009: Features


Oxford’s Class of 1959 marks a half-century during Emory Commencement Weekend.

Kay Hinton

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Generations gather to celebrate newest alumni

By Eric Rangus

The Class of 2009 numbers some 3,800 new graduates; one wonders just how many times the word “congratulations” was spoken, whispered, or shouted during the five-day celebration of Emory Commencement Weekend May 7 through 11, 2009.

“Everything about Commencement Weekend was spectacular. We had record attendance at several events,” says Cassie Young 07C, the EAA’s coordinator for alumni programs. “In some cases, like the Legacy Reception for families with multiple generations of alumni, it was standing room only.”

Perhaps no group was more excited than the undergraduate Class of 1959, on campus for its fifty-year reunion. Attendance at the reunion numbered more than two hundred guests, and more than 135 alumni were inducted into Corpus Cordis Aureum, the EAA’s special group of alumni from half a century ago and earlier.

Since its launch in 2004, more than 640 alumni have been inducted into Corpus Cordis Aureum (Latin for “The Golden Corps of the Heart”). Membership includes a gold medallion and the honor of marching on the Quadrangle on Commencement Monday wearing specially designed gold robes.

“We so much enjoyed the events associated with the reunion,” said Nancy King Scoggins 59C, who attended with husband Bob 53C 57M 60MR and was on the list of this year’s Corpus Cordis Aureum inductees. “It was wonderful to see so many people from our past and to remember those who were not present.”

While the Class of 1959 made its mark once again on campus, it was the Class of 2009 that was star of the show. From the moment they crossed the Houston Mill bridge during the Candlelight Crossover to the moment they crossed the stage to receive their diplomas, the new graduates’ energy and excitement pulsated across campus.

“The Candlelight Crossover in particular was very meaningful,” said Erin Crews 09C 09G, a new alumna from Raleigh, North Carolina. “Receiving such a warm welcome from generations of Emory alumni on the other side was surprisingly emotional.”