Autumn 2009

Summer 2009 issue


I just want to let you know that there is an old preacher in Kentucky, a graduate of Candler, who reads each new edition of your excellent Emory Magazine from cover to cover. You and your staff do a tremendous job.

Billy Joe Cox 54T

Louisville, Kentucky

I enjoyed Dr. Wolff-King’s article, “Faulkner Found,” in the summer 2009 issue. It was a well-written and engrossing look at one of my favorite Southern authors. I would have liked to see the annual pilgrimage made by students from the Oxford campus mentioned, though. For much of his nearly forty-year career at Oxford College, Professor John W. Gregory Sr. led yearly visits to “the other Oxford.” This small oversight aside, I found the article fascinating.

Kate Gregory 09C


I read the article about “Dueling Dooleys” in the summer 2009 issue of Emory Magazine with great interest. When I was at Oxford from 1961 to 1963, I was not aware that Oxford had a Dooley of its own. Most of us assumed that Dooley would visit Oxford from Atlanta. We did know that his casket was in Dooley’s Den on the Atlanta campus, and it troubled some of us that Dooley had no resting place in Oxford. As a result, during the 1962–1963 school year, several of us, including William Beck “Bill” Simpson 64OX, decided to bring Dooley’s casket to Oxford. One of our group had access to her mother’s station wagon. So one night we drove to the Atlanta campus, where we boldly walked into Dooley’s Den and carried the casket out. No one tried to stop us or even said a word. We took the casket to the steps of Seney Hall, where it remained for several days. Eventually someone took the casket back to the Atlanta campus, but all of us felt that we had done a good thing.

Harold T. Daniel Jr. 65OX 65C 69L


I would like to thank you for the story about Jessica [Lucas, “Jessica’s Rules” audio slideshow]. I’ve worked with Jessica in the past and lost contact over the years. She is absolutely a special person, dynamic in every way imagined, and she has the tenacity and resilience to endure and overcome any obstacle. She has become an inspiration and I’ve always felt it was a blessing to me to have just had the pleasure of knowing her. She was the first to turn me on to Pilates. I thought it was the hardest exercise I had ever done. She, however, made it fun.

Brian Banks

Emory University Center for Science Education

I just read the entire spring 2009 Emory Magazine on the Internet and want to congratulate you on this wonderful issue and impressive Internet presentation. The use of YouTube spots and other video is outstanding.

Patricia Stringer 72PhD

Emory Alumni Board member


Emory Magazine has one of the best online editions that I am aware of. It is easy to read, and its format is just as inviting as the print edition. Keep up the good work.

Albert AsKew 65T


I greatly enjoyed your article about your Joni Mitchell adventure [“Joni and Me”]. I also looked specifically for YouTube clips of the songs you mentioned and found several to be most haunting and memorable.

James Riopelle 76M

New Orleans

I had a moment of anticipation when I turned the page and saw the robot’s photo [“I, Robot”]. I had just had his services at Harvard’s teaching hospital, Brigham and Womens in Boston. The DaVinci Robot–assisted surgery is definitely the way to go. I could have walked out of the recovery room had the doctors allowed it. The recovery rate has been just short of miraculous. Glad to see Emory has purchased one and is keeping up with the Rise of the Machines.

Phil Bevins 70C

Southborough, Massachusetts

I always read Emory Magazine and love it. So many stories and wonderful pieces. I came to Emory because I have always heard stories of how wonderful my Great-Great-Aunt Nell was. I am the great-great-niece of Nell Hodgson Woodruff, and I’m proud to have visited a piece of my heritage while on my journey in nursing. It was so inspiring to see family photos and relics of my heritage every time I visited the school. My grandfather, Bryant F. Hodgson Sr., tells stories of his Great-Aunt Nell, and I hear stories from his cousin, “Little Nell” Hodgson Watt, about how special she was, and I’m proud to have been a part of something she created.

Stephanie Hodgson Pitts 09MSN


I read with interest your article “A Woman’s Touch” in the spring issue of Emory Magazine. My family lived in Emory Court Annex when I was a baby in 1953 and 1954 while our house on Chelsea Circle was under construction. My father, Marion T. Clark 38C 39G, attended Emory and was a professor of chemistry at Emory and Oxford College. My mother, Virginia Clark, is a past president of the Emory University Woman’s Club (EUWC). One of my earlier memories is attending the Easter egg hunt held at the president’s home on North Decatur Road with my mother and sisters. Of course, now the law school occupies that space. I recall the president’s home fondly, being made welcome each spring. My older sisters have fond memories of living at Emory Court Annex, or the “Court.” There was a close-knit group of families and children there. I don’t recall hearing adults refer to the Court as the “ghetto,” but parents were more protective in the 1950s than they are today. Perhaps adults called the university housing the ghetto when there were no children present! In addition to contributing to the EUWC, mother entertained groups of my father’s students from the National Science Foundation. It was a lot of fun to meet adults from across the country, and they appreciated a home-cooked meal and my parents’ hospitality. The lasting benefit that came out of living in faculty housing is the close friendships that were formed among the faculty wives and families. When I think of Emory, I think of far more than the college.

Anne Clark Nettles

Aurora, Colorado

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Has something in Emory Magazine raised your consciousness—or your hackles? Write to the editors at Emory Magazine, 1762 Clifton Road, Plaza 1000, Atlanta, Georgia, 30322, or via email at We reserve the right to edit letters for length and clarity. The views expressed by the writers do not necessarily reflect the views of the editors or the administrators of Emory University.